
Japan Blog

Japanese funeral colors Japan Blog

What color clothing is worn at Japanese funerals ?

かっけいHello. I am a Buddhist monk living in Kagawa, Japan.When...
Juseige chant japanese Japan Blog

Chant “Juseige”: Shorter than the Heart Sutra

Juseige is 220-character sutra, even shorter than the 262-character Heart Sutra. In Japan, it is a popular sutra and often chant by the Jodo Shinshu and Jodo sects.
Nakazubanshoen kaifutei gate Japan Blog

Nakazu Banshoen (Daimyo garden) – Kagawa tourist spot

Ritsurin Garden is famous as a sightseeing spot in Kagawa, but Nakazu Banshoen in Marugame is also a wonderful Japanese garden. It was created over 300 years ago.

Koshoji temple kyoto goeido Japan Blog

Koshoji Temple Kyoto Guide

Koshoji Temple is next to Nishi-Honganji Temple of Kyoto World Heritage Site. It is one of the head temples of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism.
Buddhist temple bell bonsho Japan Blog

Reason why Japanese ring the Buddhist temple bell at New Year’s Eve

The sound of the temple bell rings on New Year's Eve in Japan. Why do Japanese people ring the temple bells? What meaning are we ringing the buddhist bell?
きのあ将棋の対局画面。 Japan Blog

Best free shogi game (play against computer, no download)

Qinoa Shogi is a free computer japanese chess website. Downloading is unnecessary and you can play at any time without user registration.
Blueberry coloring blue in june Japan Blog

How to pick sweet (not sour) and delicious blueberries

Is there something blueberry sour and disappointed?Since the ripe fruit is sweet and delicious, it will introduce the How to identify.
Sake lees of okayama prefecture's brewery manufacturer "sanko masamune (三光正宗)" Japan Blog

How to make amazake from Sake kasu (without Koji)

Amazake is a traditional Japanese drink. There is also a way to make it from koji, but it is easy for beginners to make from sake kasu without failing.
Japanese flag (hinomaru) Japan Blog

What does the Japanese anthem (Kimigayo) mean

Kimigayo is a Japanese national anthem. Lyrics are the shortest and oldest in the world with 32 characters.For many people it will have a sad impression because the performance time is short and the tempo is slow.
The gate of the temple closes though it is bright Japan Blog

Why do temples in Kyoto close in the late afternoon time

The historic building in Kyoto will be closed at 4 pm-5 pm. It closes the gate despite the bright time zone. There is a Buddhist reason for the gate to close quickly.
60度のお湯で麹菌を殺しアミラーゼを活性化。 Japan Blog

How to make Amazake from Koji at home

I offered Amazake made from Koji at a temple event. Anyone can easily make at home if attention to the temperature control.I will introduce how to make Amazake using Koji and rice.
Worshipers hearing at the temple Japan Blog

Introduce a regular event of the Buddhist temple in rural areas of Japan.

I introduce the buddhist event of my temple. It is an event called Haru Eitai-Kyo (春季永代経). There is also a video.
On equinox days, there are temples and buddhist events Japan Blog

Spring Equinox (Higan): What does it mean by Japan holiday in Buddhism?

Higan (Spring Equinox / Autumnal Equinox ) is a national holiday in Japan. Japanese Buddhist monk will explain about O-Higan of the customs peculiar day to Japan.
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